The generated API clients are a work in progress, you can also find our stable clients on the Algolia documentation.

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Release commands

The Release commands are used to release every, or a subset of API clients.


The language parameter is variadic, you can pass multiple language, it defaults to every available languages.

apic release <language... | all>

Available options

verbose-v, –verboseMake the process verbose, display logs from third party tools
dry run-d, –dry-runLocally generate a new release but do not push to GitHub
generate graph-gg, –generate-graphGenerates the SLA graph for the given parameters
releaseType-rt, –releaseTypeForces the release script to create a release for the given client list of the given releaseType


Release all supported languages

apic release

Release a specific language

apic release javascript

Release many specific language

apic release javascript php dart