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Replace All Rules and Synonyms

In Algolia, you can replace all existing rules and synonyms by leveraging the appropriate methods. This guide will show you how to use saveRules and saveSynonyms methods to achieve this.

Replace All Rules

To replace all existing rules in Algolia, you can use the saveRules method with the clearExistingRules parameter set to true.

import { searchClient } from '@algolia/client-search';

const client = searchClient('YOUR_APP_ID', 'YOUR_API_KEY');

const response = await client.saveRules({
indexName: '<YOUR_INDEX_NAME>',
rules: [
objectID: 'a-rule-id',
conditions: [{ pattern: 'smartphone', anchoring: 'contains' }],
objectID: 'a-second-rule-id',
conditions: [{ pattern: 'apple', anchoring: 'contains' }],
forwardToReplicas: false,
clearExistingRules: true,

// use typed response

await client.waitForTask({ indexName: '<YOUR_INDEX_NAME>', taskID: response.taskID });

The rules parameter should contain the array of rules you want to save. By executing the above code, all existing rules will be removed, and the new rules provided will be saved to your Algolia index.

Replace All Synonyms

To replace all existing synonyms in Algolia, you can use the saveSynonyms method with the replaceExistingSynonyms parameter set to true.

const response = await client.saveSynonyms({
indexName: '<YOUR_INDEX_NAME>',
synonymHit: [
objectID: 'id1',
type: 'synonym',
synonyms: ['car', 'vehicule', 'auto'],
objectID: 'id2',
type: 'onewaysynonym',
input: 'iphone',
synonyms: ['ephone', 'aphone', 'yphone'],
forwardToReplicas: true,
replaceExistingSynonyms: true,

// use typed response

await client.waitForTask({ indexName: '<YOUR_INDEX_NAME>', taskID: response.taskID });

The synonymHitparameter should contain the synonyms you want to save. By executing the above code, all existing synonyms will be replaced with the new synonyms provided.

That’s it! You have learned how to replace all existing rules and synonyms in Algolia using the saveRules and saveSynonyms methods respectively.